Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 26, 2010


lately sgt gilaks surf2 website yg DIY macam2...
paperbag laa..bunge tisu laa...manik2 la...

soo...paperbag = status saye ialah otw
bunge tisu = testing2 stage
manik2 = 90 % done...

mari kite cuci mate with my DIY tissue paper flowers yang tak seberape:D..

Next project---------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Thursday, February 25, 2010

of d craft bag...

esok cuti yeay...!

sungguh sleepy dikala ini...
n kebuhsanan juge..
tgh tunggu mahu ngedate dgn itu owner ilikecard...on sat...
n then
harus start mendeco2 dat craft bag nnt...
suke seperti dibwah2 ini...
sungguh cute kan!
picture ini digoogle seperti biase:D

Monday, February 22, 2010


so wut if ur favorite-she-jahit manik so chantek! - not reply ur request?
there's a design...i adore it..she sewed it nicely...but she doesnt reply my email!
so wut?
i can sew it on my own laaaaa!
*eventho it wasnt dat nice...but i puas ati..yippie..:D
...after d wed day..huahua:P...
beberape bulan lagik:P

picture:- googled for sure:P

Thursday, February 18, 2010

new updates!

check my new tudung updates!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

wedding theme?

ape pilihan korang?semua pom cun...adoiaiii...:D

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

kekasut idaman kalbu?

Source semua = googled~

ade org suke yg bling2..
ade org suke yg simple2 je...
simple one is enuf for me:D
jom layan mate ngan beberape pilihan ni:))
which one u like?

y smua pink nehs?
ekceli previously im looking for pink one...
but then end up bought other color....


not this one yerrr.....:))

 still think kekasut pink for wedding is sooo cute:P